‘Everyone has talent. What’s rare is the courage to follow it to the dark places where it leads.’
To bring out the hidden talent of the young students St Mary’s college Bela organized ‘SMC COM Fiesta 2K23’one day national level Commerce and Management fest in its campus on 13th February 2023.More than hundred students from various colleges of Mangaluru,Kannur and Kasaragod participated in the event.
Former Vice Chancellor of Kannur University inaugurated the event & in his inaugural address he quoted that hard work is the key to success. He also reiterated the importance of Karma, which stands above all in human life. Very Rev.Fr. Stany Pereira correspondent of St Mary’s College wished good luck to the organizers and participants for the event in his presidential address.Rev.Fr. Anil Avild Lobo, Principal St Mary’s College Bela welcomed the gathering and Ms. Jeeva student co-ordinator of SMC COM Fiesta 2K23,delivered vote of thanks.
Followed by the inaugural ceremony, the events were conducted in three different stages. Advaya (the Best Manager),Tharka(debate),Aavishkaar(startup talk)and Biz Quiz was conducted in Stage I,Stage II and Stage III respectively. Studentsenthusiastically participated in all the events and many grabbed the prizes. The team work and josh of the participants was commendable in the event Anaveshan, a treasure hunt.
Mrs. Archana, HOD of department of management studies was the chief guest for the valedictory programme. In her speech she appreciated the hard work of organizing committee and performance of the participants. Rev. Fr. Anil Avild Lobo, Principal of the college thanked the participants for being the active participators of the event. In his presidential address Very Rev. Fr.StanyPereira congratulated the winners and wished good luck for their future endevours. BBA students of St Aloysius Autonomous college Magaluru were the Winners and the B. Com students of St Aloysius Autonomous college Magaluru,became the Runners of SMC COM Fiesta 2K23.
Mr. Vincent D’Souza the Fest Convener, Mrs.Juliana Crastathe Fest staff Co-ordinator,MS. Jeeva,Mr.Ashik and Ms. HarshithaCrastathe Student co-ordinators of M.Com, BBA and B.Com were also present for the valedictory programme.Ms. Shreeja student of Final B. Com thanked the gathering.
