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Writer's picture: ravindrapairavindrapai

St.Mary's College Bela celebrated “CADENCE 2022”-SMCIANZ Arts Day on 24 th January with the supreme motive of bringing out the untold, hidden talents of the students to limelight.

         Arts Day of the academic year 2021-22 was inaugurated by the Dr. Rathnakara Mallamoole Professor, Govt College Kasaragod and accompanied by  the Guest of the day Rev. Fr. Rithesh Rodrigues, Faculty of PG Department;president of the event Rev. Fr. Anil Avild Lobo, Principal; Mr.Vincent D’souza Vice Principal and event co-ordinators, Mrs. Vidya Kumari.T &Ms. Preetha Kumary R.K.

Ms. Shreeja student of II B Com welcomed everyone wholeheartedly to the programme.

Dr Rathnakara Mallamoole in his speech advised the students “life is a learning process, we have to learn from each and every species of environment and everything has its own art of live”.

Rev. Fr Rithesh Rodrigues stressed in his speech to develop the various facets of personality of students; curricular must be supplemented with extracurricular activities. Extra curricular activities help in the development of intellectual, emotional and moral development.

The president of the event, Rev.Fr Anil Avild Lobo Principal of St mary’s college have given a key note speech where he advised and wished students to participate and develop their extra curricular activity.

The inaugural ceremony was concluded by delivering vote of thanks by Ms. Mehnaz, student of the college. The programme was compered by Ms. Benita Crasta student of II B Com and cultural programme was compered by Ms. Krishnapriya of II M Com.

      The events of the arts day programme included Off stage and On stage competitions.

The Off stage items were Essay writing, story writing, poem writing, pencil drawing , cartoon making, water colour, oil painting, solo singing and Mappilla pattu.

The On stage events were Solo dance, Group singing ,Freestyle dance, Mimeshow, Tableau, Kolkali, Fancy dress, Thiruvathira and Bharathanatyam.

All the students of PG and UG were devided into six houses. The groups were named after special stones namely Amber, Diamond, Emerald, Pearl, Sapphire and Turquoise. The students participated with great enthusiasm and excitement. Along with the co-operation of the teaching and Non teaching staff members the whole event was successfully organized.

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